Sunday, 9 March 2014

taking stock 01

Making :  lots of home movies to show Alfie one day in his future.......
Cooking : cajun meatballs with basmati rice and mixed vegetables.  My new favourite recipe!
Drinking :  lots and lots of decaffeinated tea.
Reading: Gone Girl, The Last Time I Saw You, Game of Thrones, How to Potty Train your Child in a Week, my Bible, to name but a few!  No wonder I don't seem to be finishing any.
Wanting:  to write a blog post weekly!
Looking: like my mother.  So I'm told.
Playing: Monopoly Deal with Jay - and happily winning...... every......time.......
Wasting: way too much food.
Sewing: all sorts of memories together, like one big patchwork quilt.....(ha!  Did you wonder how I'd get round that one?)
Wishing: that my dog, Miss Ellie has lots of life left in those painful back legs of hers.......
Enjoying: raising a boy - and all the mud, puddles and dirty sticks we have happily played with this weekend.
Waiting:  for dear loved ones going through infertility to tell us that their miracle is on the way......
Liking: my hair when it has a fresh colour on it.
Wondering: where our next travelling adventure will take us.......
Loving: Jesus.....always.
Hoping: that Mum and Dad love Norway, despite not seeing the Northern lights.
Marvelling: at my post-it collection and how warm and cosy I feel inside when I look at it.
Needing: a cure for tinnitus or even better, a miracle!
Smelling: Jay when he has just used his A&F Fierce aftershave.
Wearing: my grandmother's engagement ring.
Following: Alejandro Costello's 9 part office organisation videos, on Youtube.
Noticing: how badly Alfie needs a haircut.
Knowing: that my sister will be the most beautiful bride I have ever seen.
Thinking: about Bethany's hen day/weekend/night...... who knows?? ;)
Bookmarking: my favourite blogs.
Opening: a brand new mascara.
Giggling: when Alfie laughs at himself.  Best thing EVER!
Feeling: blessed.

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