Monday, 20 August 2012

The New Purchase

I've got a new box.
And I love it.
It's so very........ me!

It's very special.....
 - so I'm going to put special things in it!
 Like these!
 Or her........
 Or him.......
 Or maybe even both!
And maybe even him!!!!

Alfie agrees......
He finds this box great too!



The Important Things in Life

Today, my jobs list is as long as my arm........

I should be unpacking from our holiday........

I should be cleaning the oven........

I should be tending to our pitiful looking garden........

But all I want to do is watch Alfie play with his toys........

........all day........

(Even Miss Ellie agrees - and is desperate to join in the fun.)

So I will.

And I'll start my jobs tomorrow.......
....... after lunch with Lisa x

Sunday, 19 August 2012

The Sniffles

My little man is poorly this week.........

...... but still manages to somehow share his smiles........

Love you kiddo  x

Saturday, 18 August 2012


This photograph has made me laugh out loud every time this week.......
Love you buddy!  x

AJ - 9 months old